Men N Ministry

The Men N Ministry group meets on the first Tuesday of each month excluding the months of July and August. Average attendance for each meeting is 25-30 men. We meet to enjoy a good dinner, fellowship, encourage spiritual growth, and to stay connected with God and do his work.
Our meeting offers a combination of fun and business. We follow an agenda which begins with dinner prepared by volunteers from our group. The dinner is followed by a short devotion. We also invite guest speakers who provide insight about local issues affecting our community. We conduct the business portion of our meeting after our speaker has finished.
Over the years, we have been fortunate to have many stimulating and interesting speakers including authors, experts on forestry, health officials, experts on the Savannah River Basin, and even self-defense experts. We are always on the lookout for speakers who are willing to share with us about their fields of expertise or interest in local organizations that could use our help. If you are interested in sharing with 25-30 men, please contact our president, Bob Rennie.
We are blessed with having many talented men who help in providing many special services to our community and the world beyond.
A few examples of Men N Ministry Reaching Out…
  • Salkehatchie Summer Service program
  • McCormick Chapel Corporation
  • Meeting special individual hardship needs
  • Purchase of several bikes for hardship cases in other countries
  • McCormick County Backpack program
We also have several men who work with the Nehemiah ramp construction mission, assisting those with mobility issues in McCormick and surrounding area.
One way we raise funds, is to sell brats during the fall MMC Craft Show and Cookie Factory. We enjoy the fellowship while we raise funds to cover our mission expenses.
God has blessed our men with talent and dedication. They reach out and spread God’s love to the community. We are always open to ideas and input from our members. This is our calling, and with God’s help we will serve.
President – Robert Rennie
Vice President – OPEN
Secretary – Byron Thompson
Treasurer – Gordon Waine