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from Rev. C. Nels Ledwell
Going Beyond Duty: The Second Mile
James Merritt, a great preacher, shared this in one of his sermons. It will serve as a good preparation tool for my message this Sunday.
Shortly after the battles ended the American Revolution, but before the peace had been negotiated, George Washington was with his troops in Newburgh, New York. But they began to grow very restless because they hadn’t been paid. Washington had begged the Continental Congress to do what they said they would do and pay the soldiers, but they refused.
Well, some of the officers began to organize a rebellion. They talked about marching on Philadelphia, which was at that time the seat of the reigning national government, and overthrowing that government and letting the army rule the nation.
With the fate of America in the balance, George Washington made a surprise appearance before these officers. After praising them for their service and thanking them for their sacrifice, he pulled from his pocket a copy of a speech that he wished to read. But then he fumbled with a paper and finally reached for a set of reading glasses-glasses those men had never seen him wear before. Washington made this simple statement: “I have already grown grey in the service of my country, and now I am going blind.”
Historian Richard Norton Smith wrote: “Instantly rebellion melted into tears. It was a galvanizing moment, and the rebellion…” and the rebellion was put down because they had seen before them a second miler. Becoming a Christian is one thing; being a Christian is another one. Every chance you get for the glory of Jesus, for the goodness of others, and because of the grace of God, go the second mile.
See you in Church or online this Sunday where I will tell you how to Rise Above in Victory the Jesus Way.
Your Pastor,
Notes from Nels:
  • Be in prayer this week for Matt and Kristi Scales as they begin their mission in Uganda. They will depart for Uganda on February 18.
  • This Sunday, we will recognize and install our 2025 church officers. Be in prayer for our church leaders. I urge all church officers to be present and ready to accept the charge to serve God and His Church.

Preparing for Worship

Sunday, February 23, 2025 – 10 AM
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
Scripture Lesson: Luke 6: 27-38
Message: “Rising Above the Jesus Way”
Installation of Church Officers
The Gift of Love
Praise God, from Whom All Blessing Flow
Pass It On
Anthem: Where I Find God (Performed by Robbie Rennie and Marc Heyman)


It’s always exciting to welcome new members! Please add their information to your directories and give them a welcome hug when you see them!!



Kindness Update – A Sense of Humor Brings Smiles!

If it’s true that laughter is the best medicine, then this story is guaranteed to make you feel better! This week’s story is reprinted from Sunny Skyz – All Good News – it was posted on Valentine’s Day – February 14 – which is during Random Acts of Kindness Week. The writer shares that some stories are just too good not to share, and this one is a perfect example of how a simple shopping trip can take a hilarious turn—especially when a retiree with a sharp sense of humor is involved. The story follows:
“I cannot shop at Costco anymore.
Yesterday I was at Costco buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my loyal pet, Necco, the Wonder Dog, which weighs 191 lbs. I was in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had – an elephant?
So, because I’m retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn’t have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn’t, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I’d lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes and IV’s.
I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your jacket pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete, so it works well, and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog food poisoned me.
I told her no, I relieved myself on a Fire Hydrant and a car hit me, I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Costco won’t let me shop there anymore. Better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the World to think of crazy things to say.” Share this (especially) with all your retired friends…it will be their laugh for the day!”
Have you seen God today? If you see God at work this week, there are two ways you can share what you saw!
1) Be a blessing to others by sharing your Act of Kindness (no names please) on our website, or use this link! Then check back each week to learn how others are passing on acts of kindness! The link is
2) There is a Kindness box in the library on the window sill, along with paper and pencil. Share your God-Wink, perhaps someone else will be inspired!



If you feel drawn to support their mission financially you can write a check, payable to MMC and noted Uganda Mission and put it in collection plate, bring it by the office, or mail to the church (McCormick Methodist Church, PO Box 267, McCormick, SC 29835).


If you are experiencing any type of difficulty and you need someone to listen to you, with whom you can share your feelings and receive acceptance and Christian love, please consider being in a relationship with a Stephen Minister at MMC.
Start by calling Pastor Nels or one of the Stephen Leaders and begin a ‘fellowship’ with a Stephen Minister. We may be reached through the church office at (864) 852-2394.


The Congregational Care Committee wants you to know they are there to help you if you ever need transportation, meals or a visitor! Please contact Kim Jackson if you or someone you know needs help or if you would like to be added to the list of volunteers.

Download Our App

Stay up-to-date while you are on the go with the latest events, newest sermons, and all the happenings at MMC
For Apple Devices:
For Android Devices:
The first time you use the app you will be prompted to “Find Your Church”. Just begin typing “McCormick Methodist Church” and our church name will appear in the list for you to select.
Click the link below to view a short video on setting up your app.

Upcoming Events





Easter lilies symbolize purity, hope, innocence, and virtue. They represent the purity of Jesus, who was free from sin.
Our worship committee has arranged to have Easter lilies in the sanctuary. The cost is $8.50 for a lily in a 6 inch pot.
If you would like to order lilies in honor of, or in memory of loved ones. Forms are available on the round table in the Fellowship Hall or you can complete this form and return to the Church office.
Church address is:
P.O. Box 267
McCormick SC 29835.
Make checks payable to MMC and note Easter Lilies.


The chancel choir will be singing a musical for Easter, BECAUSE HE LIVES. This will be at the 10am service at the church.
Lindy Stahlman would like to get six narrators to read between the songs. The lines are not long (some very short). You will be using the mike down on the floor, no climbing the stairs to the altar. You will not be wearing a costume. She would love to involve six from our church family to narrate (no memorizing!) the musical for us. Won’t you join us?
There is a sign up on the round table in the Fellowship Hall, sign up today!


Baby Bottles for Crossroads Women’s Center (Greenwood)
The baby bottles for the Crossroad Baby Bottle Campaign are in the Fellowship Hall. There will be a sheet to show who has taken a bottle to fill with coins. Funds raised enable CPC to offer free pregnancy tests, counseling, classes, ultrasounds, Bible Studies, and material assistance such as diapers and clothing. Bottles need to be returned by March 30.
Birthdays Lunch at Liberty Hill
The women’s luncheon will be March 14 at Liberty Hill. There will be a buffet for $15. We will meet at 11 a.m. in the church parking lot. All are welcome to bring a friend. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall so we can give Liberty Hill a head count.


Beginning this new year, we’re embarking on a transformative yearlong churchwide study focusing on scripture, Christian living, and discipleship. Designed to inspire spiritual growth and build deeper connections within our church family, this study is available through the McCormick Methodist digital library on RightNow Media.
Ways to Get Involved:
  • Sunday School Integration: Adult Sunday school classes will adopt this study as part of their curriculum.
  • Small Groups: Small groups are encouraged to participate by incorporating the study into their gatherings. This would be a great small in home group study. If you would like to participate in this study let Kim Jackson know and she’ll help get you started.
  • Individuals: Individuals can participate on their own devices/tvs. Need help? Contact Kim Jackson
For additional information and links to study resources go to

2025 Flower Calendar

Please sign up on the chart across from the office for a week that works best to supply the flowers for the sanctuary. Patsy will sign you up if you want, just give her a call at the Church office!