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from Rev. C. Nels Ledwell
What the World Expects of the Church
On a cold, dreary December evening, several hundred people gathered at a large downtown church in Winston-Salem to celebrate the Christmas season. Bishop Ernest Fitzgerald, present that evening, had gone down a long hallway to help a small boy who was pushing against massive oak doors trying to get outside. The boy was about 2 years old and as he pushed he was crying as if his heart would break.
The Bishop picked him up, thinking he belonged to someone at one of the Christmas parties but as he opened the doors and looked outside he spotted an old-model car speeding away in the darkness. Gradually, it dawned on him that the child he held in his arms had been abandoned.
Phone calls were made, and soon the church was filled with people wanting to help in any way they could. Within moments, the local TV stations interrupted their usual programs to ask if anyone knew the identity of the little boy. The next morning, one of the city’s newspapers put the child’s picture on the front page. Under the picture there was an article describing the events of the evening before. The article began with this striking line: “Someone trusted the church last night, and the church came through!”
Bishop Fitzgerald later reflected on this event and wrote these words: It will be a long, long time before I can forget that newspaper headline. So much of the world’s future depends on the faithfulness of the “People of God” to the “Great Commission.” There is a deep hunger across our land as countless people grope for answers to the deepest questions of the human spirit. The message of Christ speaks to these questions, bringing hope and light to people who now stumble in the dark and live in despair. Our world will be changed as the hearts of people are changed. Evangelism is no longer an option for the church. It is essential to the survival of our world.
The line in that Winston-Salem newspaper is a haunting reminder of what the world expects of the church. “Someone trusted the church last night, and the church came through!” May that always be true!
Adapted from Bishop Ernest Fitzgerald, “Someone Trusted the Church,” Michigan Christian Advocate, May 5, 1997, p. 8
See You in Church or online this Sunday!
Your Pastor,
Preparing for Worship
Sunday, March 30, 2025 – 10AM
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Scripture Lesson: Luke 15: 7, 11-32
Message: “Grace Undenied”
Message: “Grace Undenied”
The Old Rugged Cross
He is Exalted
Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed
He is Exalted
Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed
Anthem: What Wondrous Love Is This
Kindness Update – Gifts to Give Away!

Why are generosity and kindness so central to Easter? I found these three reasons online: 1. God gave us the greatest gift – “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.” – John 3:16; 2. Giving transforms our hearts – Generosity helps us focus on others instead of ourselves; 3. Blessing others reflects the Gospel – When we give freely, we point people toward God’s grace.
I recently read a story in Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Random Acts of Kindness edition that is evidence of this. It’s about a retired elementary school principal’s kindness project she began at her school of 350. In her job, she says she spent a considerable amount of time encouraging teachers and students to model acts of kindness. Their school improvement team created a system whereby recipients of an act of kindness would write about it on a card and submit it to the office to be read aloud over the intercom during the next morning’s announcements. The cards were taped around the building, creating an amazing schoolwide chain of acts of kindness.
Cooks wrote cards about kind acts in the cafeteria. Custodians wrote kindness cards for students who respected school property. Playground aides wrote cards for students who they noticed being kind to others. Teachers and students wrote cards for each other when acts of kindness were observed.
The school’s culture began to shift as they focused on these acts of kindness rather than disobedience and broken rules. The principal said this kindness program led to the best retirement gift she could ever receive when she was given two presents from each of her colleagues – one for her and one to give away.
She kept the gifts to give away in her car so she would have them wherever she went. She was always on the lookout for just the right person to bless – such as at a homeless shelter, etc., even getting her granddaughter to help in the selection and giving process. “I had gone full circle,” she shared, “from helping children build a life of kindness to educating her grandchildren to the joy that giving can bring to us.”
We may not be in a position like she was to make an impact that large, but we can do it – one person at a time – as we adopt our own kindness project during Lent!
This week’s kindness entry – March winds worked against me as I exited the post office recently causing the door to have a mind of its own that conflicted with mine. Suddenly, I heard a man’s voice behind me saying “Chivalry is not dead … my father raised me right!”. The voice belonged to a stranger who kindly held the door for me to exit. Of course, we had a little conversation about the need for more fathers like his in the world today!
Have you seen God today? If you see God at work this week, there are two ways you can share what you saw!
1) Be a blessing to others by sharing your Act of Kindness (no names please) on our website, or use this link! Then check back each week to learn how others are passing on acts of kindness! The link is
2) There is a Kindness box in the library on the window sill, along with paper and pencil. Share your God-Wink, perhaps someone else will be inspired!

Update from Matt

“We just started planting beans this week. We will finish that up Monday and then move to maize, then finish with gnuts before we move to the vegetables. I just have to have patience with the slower process but it’s going really well. We are getting to build relationships with the locals an seeing the cultural and bringing some of our own in to the mix makes it fun! Thank y’all so much for the prayers keep them coming!”
How To Support
If you feel drawn to support their mission financially you can write a check, payable to MMC and noted Uganda Mission and put it in collection plate, bring it by the office, or mail to the church (McCormick Methodist Church, PO Box 267, McCormick, SC 29835).

If you are experiencing any type of difficulty and you need someone to listen to you, with whom you can share your feelings and receive acceptance and Christian love, please consider being in a relationship with a Stephen Minister at MMC.
Start by calling Pastor Nels or one of the Stephen Leaders and begin a ‘fellowship’ with a Stephen Minister. We may be reached through the church office at (864) 852-2394.
The Congregational Care Committee wants you to know they are there to help you if you ever need transportation, meals or a visitor! Please contact Kim Jackson if you or someone you know needs help or if you would like to be added to the list of volunteers.
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The first time you use the app you will be prompted to “Find Your Church”. Just begin typing “McCormick Methodist Church” and our church name will appear in the list for you to select.
Click the link below to view a short video on setting up your app.
Upcoming Events
Wendy Kvale, our Lay Leader, started a new Sunday School class. It is held in the Wesleyan Room at 11:15 (to give you time to get a sweet and coffee!
Wendy invites anyone who is interested to join her on a journey through the book of James to stop by on Sunday!
Methodist Men n Ministry will be meeting on April 1, 2025. Don’ be “fooled” it will be a very interesting event. Great food, fellowship and an outstanding speaker!
Mark Heyman and Rob Rennie will provide the nourishment and Robert Gardner will share the devotion. Thanks to Judi Buchcard’s suggestion, we have a speaker from the S.C. Governor school of agriculture at John de la Howe. Her name is Stacie Smith. This school is a one of a kind located just down the road. It is the oldest and only school in the U.S. dedicated to agriculture. She will be providing an update of all the activities and the programs offered to students. She will bring a student with her. You will be able to ask questions.
Everyone is welcome.. bring your friends and neighbors to a night of fellowship and christian love.

This announcement is for anyone excited about Christian Fellowship and having fun!! Games with Friends will start on March 20th and continue each 3rd Thursday of the month. We’ll meet from 1:30-3:30PM in the fellowship hall and decide on the games of the week to play.
Baby Bottles for Crossroads Women’s Center (Greenwood)
The baby bottles for the Crossroad Baby Bottle Campaign are in the Fellowship Hall. There will be a sheet to show who has taken a bottle to fill with coins. Funds raised enable CPC to offer free pregnancy tests, counseling, classes, ultrasounds, Bible Studies, and material assistance such as diapers and clothing. Bottles need to be returned by April 6.
The baby bottles for the Crossroad Baby Bottle Campaign are in the Fellowship Hall. There will be a sheet to show who has taken a bottle to fill with coins. Funds raised enable CPC to offer free pregnancy tests, counseling, classes, ultrasounds, Bible Studies, and material assistance such as diapers and clothing. Bottles need to be returned by April 6.
April 15 2pm
All women and their guests are invited to watch Unsung Hero in the Fellowship Hall on April 15 at 2pm. Popcorn and Lemonade will be provided!
In 1991, the Smallbone family moved from Sydney, Australia to Nashville, Tennessee, in pursuit of a new beginning. David and his wife, Helen, uproot their lives and six children seeking refuge in Nashville after the collapse of David’s music company in Australia following a $500,000 loss from one concert booking.
In 1991, the Smallbone family moved from Sydney, Australia to Nashville, Tennessee, in pursuit of a new beginning. David and his wife, Helen, uproot their lives and six children seeking refuge in Nashville after the collapse of David’s music company in Australia following a $500,000 loss from one concert booking.
As the family settles into their new home they encounter numerous challenges, including financial struggles and the daunting task of starting over in a foreign country. Despite the uncertainty, Helen’s unwavering faith and David’s determination propel them forward, instilling hope and resilience in their children.
Holy Week and Easter Services

PALM SUNDAY – April 13 – 10AM
Palm Sunday commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and begins the series of observances focusing on the events of Holy Week.
Wendy Kvale and Deb Wissinger will lead the service.
Baker Creek State Park Pavilion
Baker Creek State Park Pavilion
Coffee and refreshments will follow. Bring your guests, neighbors and friends.
MMC Sanctuary
The Chancel Choir will sing the Easter Musical, “Because He Lives”. MMC Family members will provide the narration. Coffee and refreshments will follow in the Fellowship Hall.
We have invited many folks to join us for both/either Easter Services. Therefore, we will need many goodies to have at Baker Creek and again at the church. We are hoping many of you can contribute!
Please, please bring your goodie contribution, in disposable containers, to the church on Saturday (April 19) from 10am to 12am. This will save the Worship and Hospitality Committee from having to clean and return dishes. What is not used at Baker Creek, will be used at the church after the 10am service. Your goodies do not have to be home-made. If you bring then during the week, please mark Easter Goodies.
Thank you for sharing!!
The Prayer Warriors, led by Patty Kriger, invite the church family to join them on a Prayer Walk Good Friday, April 18 (if it rains, we will meet on a date to be decided). We will be meeting at the church at 10:00. We’ll have a short prayer and head out walking the streets of McCormick and praying for our community. Please come, walk and pray with us for our neighbors.
If you plan to attend, sign the sheet in Fellowship Hall beginning this Sunday.
Questions, contact Patty Kriger.
Join Us for an 8-Week Bible Study Featuring The Chosen (Season 4)!
Come be part of a special time of fellowship and discussion as we watch and explore The Chosen (Season 4) together. Each week, we’ll view an episode, then enjoy coffee, dessert, and meaningful conversation about the themes and scriptures it highlights.
When: Mondays, April 28 – June 23 (No meeting on May 26 for Memorial Day)
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Where: McCormick Methodist Church
What to Expect: Fellowship, coffee, dessert, and thought-provoking discussion
Where: McCormick Methodist Church
What to Expect: Fellowship, coffee, dessert, and thought-provoking discussion
Everyone is welcome! Let us know if you plan to join. Sign ups in Fellowship Hall.
OCTOBER 4 – 9am to 2pm
Lindy Stahlman and Cindy Clausman are the new chairpersons for the Craft Show. Carol Tummons will be leading the bakers for the Cookie Factory.
Sue Wurtzbacher and Marge Radosevich will be asking for plants to sell in the Atrium. Watch for more details!
PLANT SALE If you are planning on repotting, separating plants, or rooting new plants, and would like to share your bounty, please consider sharing your plants by donating to the MMW Craft Show Plant Sale.
Marge and I will set up several tables (depending on how many plants we get) in the Atrium.
Also if you have extra pots you no longer need (no plastic) or garden accents we would love to accept them also.
We usually have the plants dropped off at the church Friday (Oct 3). If for some reason you need to bring them sooner, we can work something out.
We usually have the plants dropped off at the church Friday (Oct 3). If for some reason you need to bring them sooner, we can work something out.
Thank you in advance for sharing.
Marge Radosevich and Sue Wurtzbacher
VENDORS If you or a friend or neighbor is interested in participating in this year’s Craft Show, please email Lindy Stahlman. Lindy will send you the pricing information and registration form. Don’t hesitate, the spots fill up quickly!
Indoor tables (8 ft) cost $40 and all crafts must be handcrafted. We also offer tent space (you supply the tents) for $25. Items do not have to be handcrafted.
Again, there will be tons of baked goods in the Fellowship Hall. Watch for notices about what is needed as the year goes on.
The Men N’ Ministry will be selling brats cooked on the grill, as well as soda and chips.
It is always a fun day of fellowship while raising funds for our missions!
More details about the event are available at
2025 Flower Calendar

Please sign up on the chart across from the office for a week that works best to supply the flowers for the sanctuary. Patsy will sign you up if you want, just give her a call at the Church office!